School of Social Enterprise
in details
The School of Social Enterprise is designed to share the institutional knowledge and experience of the 56 years multi sectoral institution SSMI. The objective is to bridge the gap between theory and ground reality in the social sector. With this objective SSMI offers:
The British Council’s Crafting
Futures India Programme – working
with Goldsmiths, University
of London
We are working with our UK partner, Goldsmiths, University of London, to train women artisans working at SSMI in design and natural dyeing techniques. Our craftswomen will attend a 6 week design workshop run by Goldsmith University and use this to improve the quality of the creative practices at SSMI and create a collection driven by the women’s inspiration. We will also explore how SSMI can make its products more environmentally sustainable and the associated creative design opportunities of using natural and traditional techniques.
This is also a research project and we will consider the heritage of the home regions, where the women migrated to Delhi from. We want to understand which aesthetics are used as well as their material and processes. Often rural areas are rich in sustainable practices that are forgotten, not known or not considered important. Women often hold a rich and different appreciation and understanding of the environment than men. Our research will explore this aspect and place the women and their knowledge at the centre of our work. This project is kindly funded by the British Council's Crafting Futures India programme.

The younger generation lives in an era where there are more questions than answers. For the first time questions about sustainability of the planet and human society are being raised, not in exulted academic circles, but by the youth. To find answers, there is a need to understand “how the other half lives” and how the “line mile problems” are being addressed.
Internship programme at SSMI would help participants get a first-hand understanding of the Indian social reality; dynamics of the problems and various schemes developed to resolve the problems; delivery mechanisms and their limitations, socio-cultural norms and emerging opportunities for social entrepreneurship. They will also get opportunities to work with the under-privileged in their own habitat – urban slums or rural hamlets; understand Government/ NGOs efforts to deal with the problems; meet officials and get to understand the possibilities and a well-rounded understanding of the social reality in India.
The programme is designed to deliver a holistic learning experience through the right balance of academic lectures, slum-centric case studies, interactive exercises and discussions, field visits and interactions with government functionaries. Application is open for all researchers, college going students, graduate and post graduate, practitioners including employees. Fill up the Application form to register.
Internship fee
Interns would pay a fee as prescribed by School of Social Enterprise. Fee collected would be shared with the receiving organisations as may be decided. This fee would cover the entire internship. Airfare & local travel to be borne by the participants and shall not be included in the fees.
We need your help to make life better for the under-privileged women and
children we work with. Please consider volunteering with us, attending
a workshop or making a donation.